LilySlim Diet days tickers

Poor baby

Poor baby
Lucy's first breathing treatment

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Released and called

Well guys, I'm feeling quite stunned right now. I had an interview with the Stake Pres today and as suspected he released me from my current assignment as Elder's Quorum Pres. However, because Stephanie was asked to attend, I knew there was more to it. With the release comes a new calling - 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. Despite my natural reactions to run for the hills, I told him that I have never turned the Lord down in a calling and I don't intend to start today. Yes its a shock, yes its overwhelming, no I don't feel I'm ready. But the Stake Pres said that he and the Bishop know for a surety that I am supposed to serve in this capacity at this time so I will go and do. And I couldn't ask for a better wife to be by my side to help me make this work, but I have to admit Stephanie said she was excited and made sure I said yes because she wanted the blessings - I know, selfish, but all in joking. I learned as a missionary, and I have to keep reminding myself, that despite how critical the work is and how inadequate I may be, if I just do my best with a sincere heart the Lord will make it work.


Shirley said...

Wow, awesome! Good luck! I was going to guess that you were called as Bishop. But this is pretty good, too :)

Nancy said...

Good luck! You will do a great job!

Unknown said...

Oh sure, I announce earlier this month I was called to the bishopric as Finance clerk and you just had to one-up me :-) Congrats and good luck.

Unknown said...

oh yeah. and way to take all the credit for the turkey by posting a picture. I suggested it with the very first post about the turkey :)

Shirley said...

I love the picture! I've been having some issues with blogger at home (I'm at mom's right now). So I will remember to show Anabelle it as soon as she wakes up!