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Poor baby

Poor baby
Lucy's first breathing treatment

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nothing important

So just thought I would up date everything. So Emily has now lost her four top front teeth. We now have to cut every thing up small for her:) She has started piano lessons with her ans Shirley and loves it, we put a keyboard in her room and she is always playing. Matty is a boy, and does boy things, torments his siblings, plays with trains, cars, always in the pool and eats like the is no tomorrow. Ryan is cute but has a very dark side, he loves Emily but is always fighting with Matty(always). He wants you to watch every thing he does and is very vocal(that kid can scream).
School is out so it is mom and the kids all day. And I have been feeling like crap (pregnancy does that to me. But yesterday I finally never felt like throwing up, but I do know have a head cold. Life is fun. But I have to admit even thought I have felt horrid and been cranky, the kids have been great. They play together all the time. I have been giving Matty naps again to get some time with Em. We have been sewing, we are now working on a short out fit for her, Man she is opinionated, I wonder were she get that from!!
For the exciting news, Wes will graduate from school this fall. He has worked his butt of and is almost done!! I have no idea what will be next, I guess we will have to start spending time with each other. Great I won't get to have control of the TV remote, oh well. I'll get over it.
Everyone all ready knows we are pregnant. So that was a bit of a shock. We have always been of the idea that we would take procations and if the Lord wanted us to be pregnant we would. Well the Lord is deffinantly in controll of this family and has his own plan for us, which seams to differ from mine a litttle :) But we are happy and the kids are very happy. So that is the update and now I am back to work, a mothers job is never done.

1 comment:

Joe and Jessica Elmer said...

Congratulations on the baby! I heard from my mom a while ago. I hope that you start to feel better soon.