LilySlim Diet days tickers

Poor baby

Poor baby
Lucy's first breathing treatment

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1

Well, this is the end of our first week of a new year. The kids are back in school and Ryan is setteling back into his rutine. Lucy is growing up so fast, and becoming more of a litttle girl than a infent. Still inly 6 teeth, but she walkes and says "Dadda", and points at what she wants. I have started doing school with Ryan. He loves it. Mainly we learn with legos and cars, it is amazing what you can do with those thing:) Ryan Started Sunbeams, he thinks he is big stuff. He had a great time last sunday, this sunday(today) her gets a new teacher, should be fun. Matthew is doing wonderfuly in school. He is reading some and wants to read everything. He loves learning which is a suprise to me. He has so many friends and loves to play with every one. Emily, em is amazing. She is so helpful, loving and thoughtful. She loves Browns (school) and fits in so much better. She is doing great and Goot a 100% on a spelling test befor christmas! She has been great at helping with her sister and Lucy Adores her.

OK that is the kids. Wes is Young Mens president. And is learning how to deal with teenage boys. Work is good and trying to rent out my Grandparents House takes up all his time, oh and playing with the kids. I am in the prosses of losing weight 12lbs this week. No calling at church so I am on Lucy duty, she is noise. Home with the kids and loving it. I want to try an do new things with the kids this year. But I want to keep them cheap, free would be great.

Any way nothing big this last week we have just been working on a new fence to keep the cows in. We had Lucy's car seat straped to the Trackter. I will get a picture up soon. Emily finally spent her birthday money 50$. God has blessed us so much and we are very greatfull.

1 comment:

Joe and Jessica Elmer said...

12 lbs! Stephanie that's awesome! And if you find those free/cheap things for the kids you'll have to let me know :)