LilySlim Diet days tickers

Poor baby

Poor baby
Lucy's first breathing treatment

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 3

Ok so I forgot to write last week. But this week all the good stuff is happening. Matt has been to the doctor for his asthma. They put him on some crazy meds:) Oh he also had an ear infection. Then Ryan and Lucy went to the doc on Wednesday. Ryan has an ear infection and Lucy was having some difficulty breathing, with a high fever and a cold. Anyway she is now on the nebulizer every 3 hours or as needed. She also has two teeth coming in, that is fun. Emily is healthy. I love that. she has not missed one day of school this year and is working really hard to keep it that way. Wes is healthy and I am sick, go figure.
Wes and the Young Men had an Iron Chef cook out with the Young Women, this week. The boys lost:( But the taste of there food Won. Wes says they lost because of "Stupid Chocolate swirls" the girls food was pretty. We finally got renters into my Grandparents home. Wes has become the Rental Manager and my parents or the Landlords. That will be nice to get something out of that house, in this economy.
Was got a bonus at work, good job Honey. They kids really look up to him for how hard he works. Between work and church getting the house rented and helping around the house it is amazing he even has time to go pee:) Any way another week coming to a close and another week enjoyed by us.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Miss you guys! Sorry to hear everyone's so sick and having issues. Kiss Lucy for me!