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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sweet spirits

Today was the funeral of a sister in our ward. She was a native from Liberia, and became a member late in her life. We meet her when we moved into our ward two years ago. Her spiritwas amazing she had a pure love of the gospel and a love for children that I have never seen. She spent a few months in the primary pres. with my mom then was realized but stayed in primary as our version on Sister Friendly (from the friend). She taught sharing time once a month. She was hard to understand and had to have an oxygen tank with her but the children were in love with her. They loved her stories her spirit just pored out and touched every person in the room and because of her most of the children will have a stronger testimony. As her health failed she stopped doing sharing time and started to work with me on helping the children learn their Articles of Faith, she loved that, she loved helping them learn.
Well, I say all this because to day was her funeral and the primary children and there families song at here funeral. It was held at The First Church of the Nazarene (I think). Because some of the children were a little intimidated by the different church and the Black people (I use that word do describe not to be rasised) the parents sang with the kids. As they sang (I couldn't I am sick and have no real voice) the spirit came into that chapel that was stronger than I have ever felt. To see these children sing for a Sister that meant so much to them was amazing. They sang her favorite song I am a child of God. Now they sang this to a congregation of people of many faiths and to Sister Ruhles own family who were not members and were very against the church was even more special than I could have imagined. God can and does use us all even the little children to bring his spirit unto this world. I was blessed by being in the presence of these young angles as they bore their own testimony of God through song. It was amazing.

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