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Poor baby

Poor baby
Lucy's first breathing treatment

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's up with us?

Just in case anyone out there is curious about what we are up to, I figured I'd post some quick comments.

Ryan is still our little toe head and happy as can be. He has been talking up a storm for quite a while now and we can understand him the majority of the time. One of his most recent words he has learned - that we are not so proud about - is fart but he says it more like fark. He is such a copy cat and will watch then repeat everything his brother and sister do, even if they just got in trouble for it. And no he has not swallowed anything dangerous recently.

Matthew is going through some kind of very emotional phase - both positive and negative. He'll be so excited to see you come home even if you have only been outside for a little while. But he is also getting good at pouting and temper tantrums over what seem to be the little things. His favorite thing is to wrestle with his daddy so he'll clear out the floor, make an intimidating face, and punch his fist into his hand in a threatening manner. Steph has been doing "school" with him and they have been learning letters, colors, about frogs and giraffe, and he's very excited to show off his school work on the wall.

Emily continues to grow-up. She can be quite silly sometimes. She loves school and is doing very well. She is participating in a after-school Dance program here and has her first recital in Dec 15th I believe. We went roller skating with Steph's family at Thanksgiving and Emily had an absolute blast and was doing great on roller skates. She had been taking piano lessons with Shirley before Shirley got pregnant and has now re-gained interest on her own because she will pull out the keyboard all the time and start playing things she remembers.

I'm enjoying life after school. I used to always be so worried about getting the kids into bed on time or getting home in decent time so I can do howework and still make it to bed in decent season. That was such a part of my routine that I have to keep remembering that don't have get on the computer as early as possible. But I know the kids miss me sitting at the computer while they go to bed - usually I'll clean up the house or take care of other things after they go to bed. I would really like to start practicing my guitar and start getting back in shape with this extra time but I'm still got plenty to do so I am procrastinating.

Steph is sill pregnant and ready to be done. Her itching has not been as severe this time around but she is still on medication to make it bareable. As usual, the baby is measuring about 2-3 weeks larger than what she is gestationally. We have added one more complication - gestational diabetes. It is normal diabetes but it is brought on by the hormones of pregnancy and can be more difficult to manage because of the hormones. The diet is more restrictive than a regular diabetic diet and she has to report weekly to a nurse. She does the finger prick 4 times a day which is making her fingers very sore. But I am very proud of her - she has been sticking to it and has it under control. So she is doing all she can have a small baby, so the rest is up to genetics and the Lord. So as with Ryan, they will be inducing her on of after 37 weeks - which is Dec 11. Yes, we are getting very close. And as for names, I think we have settled on Elizabeth Michel and shortened woudl be Lizzie. We've had a tough time deciding on this one, but this is a name Steph threw out there and I think I latched on to it so I think that is where we are stuck. But its not official until it goes on the birth certificate so don't be too surprised.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Hey! Sorry we didn't come out and see you this week! Always nice to hear an update. Holy cow! I can't believe that it's already almost time for the baby to come! We're going to San Deigo this week so we'll have to come hang out when we're back before the baby is born.
And my pregnancy wasn't the only reason we stopped! :) Let me know when she wants to seriously start again.